Learning Series
Between February and April 2024, the Transition Team and Transition Advisory Committee hosted a series of conversations to learn best and promising practices from other states and organizations. Descriptions of those "Learning Series" sessions and recordings are found below.
Learning Series Session 1: ChildTrends' Equity Data Framework
When: February 23, 2024, 2-3pm
Who: ChildTrends, the leading research organization in the U.S. focused solely on improving the lives of children and youth organizers of the national Early Childhood Data Collaborative.
Topic: ChildTrends' new data framework aimed at helping leaders better understand the experiences of children, families, or workforce members within their systems to begin identifying potential inequities and examine root causes that could be addressed.
Learning Series Session 3: Using Analytics for More Equitable EC Policy
When: April 19, 2024, 1-3pm
Who: Representatives from MA, GA, WA and Third Sector Intelligence
Topic: Panel discussion of other states using innovative analytics to inform policy decisions and allocate resources more equitably across their state.