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In October 2023, as part of Illinois’ transition to a new single agency for early childhood education and care, the Department of Early Childhood, Executive Order 23-09 rescinded Executive Order 2010-08 and sunset the Office of Early Childhood Development within the Office of the Governor. For information on the new Department of Early Childhood, please see the new site homepage.
The Governor's Office of Early Childhood Development (GOECD) leads the state's initiatives to create an integrated system of quality, early learning and development programs to help give all Illinois children a strong educational foundation before they begin kindergarten.
Research shows that children with a solid educational foundation in their first five years are significantly more likely to be successful in school, college, career and life. The office was established in 2009 to focus the state's efforts and maximize its investment in early learning programs. Quality, early childhood education is a cost-effective strategy to promote growth. Every dollar invested in early education saves $7 in special education, public assistance, corrections and lost taxes.
GOECD activities:
- Leads the State's Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five (PDG B-5) to coordinate Illinois' mixed delivery system so all children and families have access to the services and supports they need to thrive
Manages the Early Learning Council, a public private partnership that helps improve the lives of Illinois children and families - Oversees ExceleRate Illinois, the Quality Rating and Improvement System for early learning and development programs
- Convenes and collaborates with state agencies focused on children and families (such as Illinois Department of Human Services, Illinois State Board of Education, and Department of Children and Family Services) to address common issues
- Strengthens training and supports for the early learning workforce
- Serves as a resource for parents, families, and early childhood education and care providers
- Works to enhance data integration, standardization, and management