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Early Learning Council
The Early Learning Council, a public-private partnership created by Public Act 93-380, strengthens, coordinates and expands programs and services for children, birth to five, throughout Illinois. With a membership including senior state officials and non-government stakeholders appointed by the Governor, the Early Learning Council builds on current programs to ensure a comprehensive, statewide early learning system (preschool, child care, Head Start, health care and support programs for parents) to improve the lives of Illinois children and families.
We envision Illinois as a place where every young child – regardless of race, ethnicity, income, language, geography, ability, immigration status, or other circumstance – receives the strongest possible start to life so they grow up safe, healthy, happy, ready to succeed, and eager to learn.
Our mission is to collaborate with child-serving systems and families to meet the needs of young children, prioritizing those with the highest need. We do this via comprehensive early learning services for children and families prenatally to age five.
Our strategy is to serve as the voice of early childhood by calling for investment in critical components of the early childhood system, with a particular focus on high need, hard to reach children and families.
We value doing so in a way that is culturally and linguistically responsive, values the whole child, forwards community partnerships, relies upon collaboration across systems, increases equitable access, engages families, increases family self-sufficiency, and demonstrates high quality.
Our intended impact is to create greater access to high quality early learning programs, assessments, and supportive interventions so children, including those with special needs, enter school kindergarten ready.
The majority of the Illinois Early Learning Council’s work is accomplished through its committees, subcommittees, and work groups.
Early Learning Council Committees
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